Top 10 Wellness Tea Blends

For thousands of years our ancestors used teas (and tisanes) to treat everything from scurvy to anxiety. After a rise in western medicine overshadowed the health benefits of the drink for the last century, tea is making a valiant emergence back to the front of the health and wellness market. Here are 10 healthy teas to help you easily add great benefits to your life.

*Strictly speaking “tea” only comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, but for the purposes of sharing these powerful drinks with you I will also refer to herbal blends/tisanes as “tea.” Please contact your doctor before starting any new herbal supplements and remember that some herbs can interact with medications.

10. Black Tea

Black tea is brewed from the fully oxidized leaves of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis (or Camellia sinensis assamica from Assam, India). Black tea comes in a variety of different natural flavors and is frequently blended with other plants to create even more possible flavor profiles. Full of antioxidants and containing less caffeine than coffee, you can feel good about drinking black tea. For the best quality single ingredient teas look for golden tips on full length leaves. For blended teas look for natural ingredients and a flavor profile that excites you. The right black tea blend does not need sugar, experiment with sweet accompanying ingredients like cinnamon bark, and orange peel!

9. Green Tea

Green tea is brewed from the same Camellia Sinensis plant that black tea comes from, but is not oxidized. By not oxidizing the leaves, green tea maintains a light and fresh taste. This powerful brew is packed with cancer-fighting polyphenols, an antioxidant that finds and detoxifies free radical cells in the body, and contains less caffeine than black tea. There is also research to suggest that green tea might boost the metabolism, fight bad breath, reduce allergic response, and improve skin. Look for green teas mixed with herbs like lemongrass, lavender, and peppermint for an extra wellness boost!

8. Butterfly Pea Flower Tea

Butterfly Pea flower tea is full of antioxidants to support a healthy immune system and reduce inflammation. Traditionally the flower has also been used as an anxiety reducer and memory enhancer. But as importantly butterfly pea flower is good for the soul. These dried flowers from tropical equatorial Asia are mild in flavor but big on magic. Brewing to beautiful tones of sapphire this tisane is simply gorgeous to look at. Try adding a drop of lemon juice for a zing and see butterfly pea flower’s true magic trick when it turns the tea to a vibrant shade of purple/magenta.

7. Valerian root

Valerian is like your best friend on a long camping trip, it is super helpful and comforting, but… it smells a little. If it wasn’t for valerian’s unique smell, this herb would top the list. A powerful tool for relaxation and sleep, if you suffer from insomnia, valerian may just be the answer. Look for teas that blend valerian with other relaxing herbs like chamomile, lavender, skullcap, and passionflower. Some blends are better at meshing with valerian’s unique flavor profile, so try a few different brands/varieties to see what you like best!

6. Peppermint

I can never resist letting the steam from my peppermint tea cover my face while I breathe in that soothing familiar aroma. That small action can always make me feel better and breathe easier. Light and pleasant to drink, peppermint tea is a little sneaky about how much it can really do for us! Consumption of peppermint tea helps fight bacteria and viruses, aids with indigestion, promotes healthy sleep, and may even help with weight loss. Buying organic peppermint in bulk is extremely affordable or you can easily grow your own mint garden.
If you decide to grow your own mint, look for a variety that interests you! A chocolate mint plant makes grasshopper tea that will last you until next girl scout season.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile tea is another super beverage to add to your routine. Chamomile tea promotes better sleep, eases menstrual cramps, soothes indigestion, boosts the immune system, and relieves stress. Chamomile tea is an excellent option to mix with Butterfly Pea flower tea! Add 5 Butterfly Pea flowers per pot of Chamomile tea and steep them together. The result is a beautiful teal blue to emerald green health potion to be admired and savored.

4. CBD tea

CBD is the hot new trend for a reason, and water-soluble CBD in tea allows you to consume CBD even if you have had gallbladder issues. CBD promotes relaxation, supports mood, encourages good sleep and may help support joint, digestive, and cardiovascular function.
Look for CBD teas that contain natural ingredients with no caffeine to receive it’s full relaxing benefits.

3. Ashwagandha root tea

Life gives us ups and downs, but luckily we have ashwagandha root tea to help us deal with it. Ashwahandha was first described to me as an aid to focus on what you are supposed to be doing, be that working productively or sleeping peacefully. In my experience, it was just that. This little cup of tea is a powerful mood supporter that helps you focus on a healthy lifestyle. Beyond it’s mental support, ashwagandha root may also increase libido, lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and assist in strength building.

2. Turmeric

Already a star in your spice cabinet, turmeric can also be a hero in your tea cup. Thousands of years of testimonials about this spice’s health benefits can’t be wrong. Add turmeric tea to your diet to reduce inflammation, boost your immune system, support mood, protect organ functions, and much, much more. For an inspiring routine, pair turmeric tea with ashwagandha root tea in order to stabilize mood and promote a positive outlook. Look for tea blends that add ginger root or chai spices for a tasty and extra healthy boost.

1. GABA Oolong tea

A relatively new underdog for wellness tea, GABA oolong tea makes the top of this list for it’s intense feel-good powers. GABA oolong tea is created through a special process of removing all oxygen from the environment of the unprocessed Camellia sinensis leaves. This anaerobic environment allows the leaves’ glutamate to convert into GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid, a brain chemical that helps neurons communicate. This tea frequently has a light, earthy, sometimes yammy flavor and provides a clear, content, and focused mindset making it great to drink any time of day and year.

Extra Information

Look for these wellness teas online or at your local grocery store. There are many quality small business tea sellers online (and if you are lucky, in brick) that are ready to help you find unique blends to love. Be sure to ask your doctor before starting any herbal routines. Get a little adventurous and feel good exploring the world of tea!

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