5 Habits That Make You Feel Tired

Sleep is essential for our health, with doctors and medical professionals recommending that adults get anywhere between seven to nine hours of sleep each night. However, even when we get the recommended amount of sleep each night, we can still feel tired throughout the day. Below are five habits that can make you feel tired and some suggestions on how to change your habits for the better.

Fattening and unhealthy fast food

Poor Diet

One of the most significant contributors to fatigue is poor diet. Too much sugar, caffeine, and junk food throughout the day can contribute to feeling tired. One way to stop feeling tired is to reduce your caffeine, specifically in the afternoons, swap out sugary snacks for healthy fruits and vegetables, and cut out fast foods, candy, and soda. Another way to help stop your tiredness through your diet is to always have a protein-filled breakfast and make sure that you eat foods that are rich in iron and magnesium.



Portrait of young couple using smartphones in bed

Electronics at Bedtime

It is very easy to get distracted by your phone or computer while you are in bed waiting for sleep to come. However, being on your devices in bed can actually keep you from falling asleep. Electronics can increase your brain activity, making it harder for you to wind down and fall asleep. To prevent this, turn off your electronics or place them in an area that is not within reach from your bed. Some experts recommend doing this about 30 minutes before you go to bed.

Exercising in swimming-pool

Not Enough Exercise

While it can be hard to exercise when you are tired, not getting enough exercise can cause you to feel tired throughout the day. Research shows that regular exercise can improve your moods, increases your energy levels, and even reduces your fatigue. To keep active, it is recommended that you stick to some form of an exercise schedule and make it a part of your daily routine.

Insomnia at night

Not Having a Consistent Sleep Schedule

When you don’t have a consistent sleep schedule, you generally don’t get the right amount of sleep, especially during the week, if you are busy with work and other commitments. To make up for the lost sleep during the week, it is very tempting to sleep in on the weekends. However, this is actually counterproductive as getting up later in the day can increase your fatigue and cause you to stay up later at night. Instead, you should stick to a regular sleep schedule. This means setting a regular bedtime and a regular time you wake up. By doing this, you can ensure that you get the proper amount of recommended sleep each night.

Laughing coworkers playing table tennis during their work break

Not Taking Enough Breaks

When you get in the groove of working, time can pass by quickly, and you can get a lot done. However, this is not always good for you. Working for long periods without breaks can increase your fatigue as it is mentally draining and takes a physical toll on your body by keeping you in one position for long periods. Instead, it is recommended that you prioritize your tasks and work in chunks of time. This means doing your most important tasks first, setting a timer for your work, and getting up to take breaks when your timer goes off. This method of working helps reduce your fatigue while still allowing you to work without getting distracted and take the breaks that your mind and body need.

Breaking these habits may help you feel less tired throughout the day. If these changes in your habits don’t help your fatigue, you may be some underlining health issues, and you should talk to your doctor about your fatigue and ways to combat it.

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